Welcome to The Speech Tree!
Call us today: 732-617-1500
Centers Located in Morganville, Monroe and Princeton, NJ
Speech and Language Therapy
Speech therapy is the treatment for speech and/or language disorders. A speech disorder refers to a problem with the actual production of sounds. A language disorder refers to a difficulty in understanding or putting words together to communicate ideas. Speech disorders include articulation, fluency and voice disorders. Language disorders can be either receptive, expressive or pragmatic/social. Here at The Speech Tree speech-language services are provided in a variety of approaches, reflecting the individual needs of the child as well as groups focused on social skills. Speech-language skills are not just delivered in a sitting format but are also incorporated into fun functional tasks that are motivating for the children.
We specialize in the treatment of:
Auditory Processing Disorders
Articulation and Phonological Disorders
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Gestalt Language Processing
Pragmatic Language Disorders
Speech and Language delays
Apraxia of Speech
Oral Motor Deficits
Early Intervention
Voice disorders
Cognitive-Communication Disorders
Cochlear Implants and Hearing Impairments
Congenital Disorders
Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Selective Mutism
Does my child need speech therapy?
Speech and Language Milestones
We highly suggest speaking with a professional if you are concerned with your child's speech or language. The earlier services are provided, the quicker we can help your child reach their goals!
6-12 months
Stops when name is called
Waves “bye”
Vocalizes a 2-syllable combination (“mama”)
Tries to repeat your sounds
12-18 months
Points to body parts
Follows simple, one-step directions
Says or imitates 8-15 words
Talks rather than using gestures
18-24 months
Says about 50 words
Follows a 2-step related command
Starts to use 2-word phrases
Uses new words rapidly (language explosion)
*By 18 months, a child’s speech is normally 25% intelligible
2+ years
Follows 2-3 step requests
Uses 2-3 word sentences
By 24-30 months, uses 200 intelligible words
Vocabulary of 500 words by 3 years old
*By 24 months, a child’s speech is normally 50-75% intelligible
3-4 years
Follows multi-step directions
Talks in complete sentences (3-5 words)
Asks who, what, where, and why questions
Talks about activities at school and with friends
*By 3 years, a child’s speech is normally 75-100% intelligible
4-5 years
Speaks in fairly complex sentences (The baby ate the cookie before I could put it on the table)
Asks many questions
Speech is usually intelligible to strangers even if articulation errors persist
Call us today to learn about speech and language services